“…After just eight tutoring sessions at Best In Class, my ACT score went up 10 points and I got into my dream college. I am incredibly grateful for Best In Class and always will be!”
– Madisyn M.
“…Not only did I get the scores I wanted, but I also learned valuable test-taking skills. Ms. Stephanie helped me navigate standardized testing during COVID-19 and still improve my scores.”
– Martha R.

“Highly Recommend! I went up six points in Reading!”
– Balyn W.

“Best in Class gave me the tools I needed to improve my ACT test score by 5 points!”
– Braeden S.

“I went up 9 points in Reading and 6 points in Math…. I don’t know how I would have done it without the techniques Stephanie taught me”
– Marla A.
— Finney C.
“I had a 26 previous to taking the test and I was aiming for a 27. I received my results back last week and I achieved my goal! My subscores on my 27 ACT are as follows English: 27 Math: 28 Reading: 26 Science:25. I knew I had enough confidence in English and Math to do well enough for my 27, what I really gained from your program was the confidence to do well on the reading section. I timed myself as I reviewed 4-5 passages before I went to sleep, the night before the test, and improved significantly. Thank you for all of your help!”
— Alex S.
“We are so pleased with our daughter’s experience at Best in Class! She received great instruction and learned what a great reward can come from a little hard work. Her overall ACT score went up 4 points.”
– Allison T.
“Stephanie – Thank you for presenting to our Leadership Academy last week at LSU. The students appreciated all of your advice and insight. A few students spoke at the Graduation Ceremony on Friday and they specifically mentioned how helpful your session was. One student talked about how she wan’t as nervous about taking the ACT again thanks to you! We appreciate partnering with you and look forward to working with you in the future.”
— Shelton J.
“[Our daughter’s] scores went up by 2 points!!! She made a 22 overall. English 19, Math 22, Science 26 (highest so far), and Reading 20 (18 previous). Great job and program Stephanie!!!”
— Kevin R.
“Well, we have good news – [our daughter’s] composite score went up 4 points! English increased 5 points; math increased 2 points; reading increased 5 points; science increased 2 points! Recall that this increase was over 4 month period – she first took act in february 2014 and again june 2014. 28 composite; english 26; math 25; reading 32; science 28. Awesome program!!! I’m about to facebook post for you! :)”
— Azelie S.
“Mason had a 1-hour session with Stephanie earlier this month to help him with his ACT Reading Section strategy. He was always confused about how he was supposed to attack the this portion. His previous best Composite Score was a 31. His previous best Reading Section score was a 30. I think working on the Reading helped his overall strategy on the entire test. Anyway, tell Stephanie thanks.”
– Tim
“This boot camp was really helpful and got my scores to where I needed them. I would really recommend this boot camp to anyone looking to better their scores anywhere from 1-3 points. If you listen to tips given, you can up your scores also.”
— Blake R.
“After taking [The ACT] 3 times and receiving the same scores, I finally made my goal score after taking ACT courses with Stephanie!”
– Claire W.
“ [My oldest son] went from a 25 last time to a 28 this past test… thanks!”
— Camie J.
“Mrs. Stephanie, Thanks so much for your help with ACT science and reading. I got a 35 on science and a 36 on reading! I am confident that I can receive the scholarship to TCU that I am hoping for now that I have a 35 super-score. Thank you for beleiving in me!”
– Addison B.
“Hey Mrs. Stephanie! I’m not sure if you remember me but I was in your ACT review class the weekend before the December test. I had a 26 previous to taking the test and I was aiming for a 27. I received my results back last week and I achieved my goal! I have moved up to the next level of tops. I will be attending ULM in the fall and am now eligible to apply for the pharmacy scholarship I want. I just wanted to give you some feedback on what I found most helpful. My subscores on my 27 ACT are as follows English: 27 Math: 28 Reading: 26 Science:25. I knew I had enough confidence in English and Math to do well enough for my 27, what I really gained from your program was the confidence to do well on the reading section. I timed myself as I reviewed 4-5 passages before I went to sleep, the night before the test, and improved significantly. The coma rules on the English section also helped clear things up. Thank you for all of your help! :)”
— Alex S.
I think that this workshop was very beneficial. I learned a lot of new things, and I have a positive feeling that my score will increase.”
— Happy Student